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Automation Services
Cutting-Edge Automation Services
Challenge :

When a system is frequently updated, there must be a guarantee that the new release will work just as well or better than the previous version. Guaranteeing this through manual testing has a very high cost.

The most competitive organizations are those with the freedom to release and update applications quickly so that they can stay ahead of market demands. Under the framework of implementing agile development practices, test automation plays a fundamental role. In the context of multiple systems and technologies, identifying the most appropriate approach is key to achieving a higher efficiency.

Common Challenges :
1. Dynamic User Interface (UI)

Changes in the UI, such as frequent updates or dynamic elements, can lead to test script failures.

Solution : Use robust locators and strategies like XPath or CSS selectors that are less prone to UI changes. Regularly update and maintain test scripts to adapt to UI modifications.
2. Test Data Management

Efficiently managing test data, especially in large test suites or dynamic applications, can be challenging.

Solution : Utilize data-driven testing approaches. Separate test data from test scripts, use parameterization, and consider data generation tools to create diverse datasets.
3. Flakiness of Tests

Flaky tests, which produce inconsistent results, can undermine the reliability of automated testing.

Solution : Identify and address the root causes of flakiness, such as asynchronous operations or timing issues. Implement explicit waits and retries strategically to make tests more robust.
4. Maintenance Overhead

Maintaining automation scripts over time, especially in rapidly evolving projects, can be resource-intensive.

Solution : Establish a solid framework and coding standards. Regularly review and refactor scripts to align with application changes. Prioritize test cases based on critical business functionality.
5. Limited Test Coverage

Solution : Develop a risk-based testing strategy to prioritize critical functionalities. Combine automation with manual testing for exploratory and scenario-based testing.
6. Initial Setup Time

The initial setup for automation testing, including framework development and environment configuration, can be time-consuming.

Solution : Invest time in building a robust automation framework that is scalable and modular. This initial effort will pay off in the long run by streamlining test script development.
7. Skillset and Training

The team may lack the required skills or training in automation tools and frameworks.

Solution : Provide training and upskilling opportunities for team members. Encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration to enhance the collective skillset of the automation team.
Solution :

Implementing automated tests enables reducing execution and regression testing timeframes, thus making it possible to release applications more frequently without jeopardizing the product’s quality.

At Softdevels, we seek to provide an automated testing approach, offering our support to design the strategy, scope and tools to be used. Automated tests have significant benefits for both custom critical systems and software products.

We don’t stop there. We re-run every test with every new iteration of code. This allows us to ensure the application is free from any potential errors. When we identify errors, we isolate the how and why.

Incorporating specialists who can speed up the adoption of test automation and transfer their knowledge to the rest of the team is an investment which translates into achieving a higher efficiency and increasing quality with very low risks.

Best Practices for Automation Testing :

Test Case Selection :• Choose test cases wisely for automation. Focus on repetitive, time-consuming, and critical scenarios to maximize the impact of automation.

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) : • Integrate automated tests into CI/CD pipelines for faster feedback on code changes and to ensure that tests are executed consistently.

Parallel Execution : • Implement parallel test execution to reduce overall test execution time and improve efficiency.

Version Control :• Use version control systems (e.g., Git) to manage and track changes to automation scripts, enabling collaboration and easy rollback.

Regular Reviews :• Conduct regular code reviews to identify and address coding issues, maintain consistency, and ensure adherence to best practices.

Cross-Browser and Cross-Platform Testing :• Include cross-browser and cross-platform testing in your automation strategy to ensure compatibility across different environments.

Logging and Reporting :• Implement detailed logging and reporting mechanisms to facilitate result analysis and debugging when issues arise.

By addressing these challenges and incorporating best practices, organizations can establish a robust and efficient automation testing process that contributes to the overall quality and reliability of their software products.

Automation Testing Services We Provide :

The Initial Call : As soon as you contact our sales team, an introductory call with our technical team will be arranged to understand your requirement. During this call, we show a demo with sample automated test scripts to establish our capabilities.

Identify POC Test Cases : We always urge our prospective customers to try our no-cost proof of concept (POC) before requesting the automation testing project proposal as it’ll help us establish our technical expertise by delivering a pragmatic testing solution before we start. All you have to do is identify the POC test cases and brief us.

A POC Demo with Reports : Our quick turnaround time ensures that we deliver the proof of concept within a two weeks or three. So in the demo, we show the script’s execution and even share all our findings using the Report Portal integration.

Proposal Submission with a Timeline : If the scope is concrete, we generally propose a contract and hand over the developed automation testing framework & scripts at the end of the project. If you’re looking to expand your QA team to improve the test automation coverage, we will submit a proposal.

Kickstart your Project : Once the project is up and running, you can view the progress on the dashboard to track how many scripts have been developed, how many times the tests have been executed, and analyze the metrics with 100% transparency.