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Dummy File Generator For Any Size MBs or GBs
Don’t see your test file with the required size on our desktop or in the system? No worries, we have a dummy file generator tool for you that can help you generate a dummy file of any size up to 100s of MBs or GBs (gigabytes). Our dummy file generator tool generates files locally which means downloading will be much quicker and faster. Very useful for testing in the areas of upload a single or multiple attachments, upload a profile, exporting the documents, filling up storage space or creating a place holder etc.
All you have to do is to enter your required test file information (file size, file name, and size unit like KB, MB, GB) in the form below and click the ‘Generate & Download’ button. It will generate and download your test file immediately.
Common scenarios where a dummy file creato will be used
File Upload/Download Testing

Dummy files can be used to simulate various file sizes and formats during the testing process of applications or systems that include file uploads or downloads in order to verify proper functionality. The idea is simple: if application/interface need to upload a document with a size of 5MB. Dummy file generator fits right in the spot to create multiple files at the boundaries such as 4.99MB and 5.01MB.

Storage Capacity Testing

To test the limits of storage capacity or to fill up storage for stress testing purposes, dummy files of varying sizes can be generated and used.

Backup and Recovery Testing

To make that the system is capable of handling data backup and restoration of data, Dummy files can be used to simulate the backup and recovery process.

Placeholder Data

In situations where actual data is not available or is sensitive, dummy files can act as placeholders to maintain the structure and format needed for testing without exposing real information.

Performance Testing

Testing the performance of file-related operations, such as copying, moving, or deleting files, can be done more effectively with dummy files of different sizes and characteristics.

Network Testing

When testing applications that involve network transfers, dummy files can be used to simulate data transfers over a network, helping assess the impact on performance and reliability.

Load Testing

Dummy files can be employed to simulate heavy loads on a system, ensuring that it can handle large amounts of file-related operations concurrently.

Security Testing

In security testing scenarios, dummy files may be used to simulate the presence of sensitive or malicious data, allowing security measures to be tested without exposing real information.

Compatibility Testing

Dummy files are used to test the compatibility of programs with various file formats and sizes, providing for a full review of how effectively the system processes diverse data.

Data Validation Testing

To test an application's validation processes and make sure it recognizes and manages a variety of file kinds and sizes, dummy files can be utilized.

Error Handling Testing

To test the system's ability to detect and manage mistakes, dummy files with erroneous data can be purposefully created. This ensures that the error-handling methods are strong.

Filename :
Location :
Converter Factor
Conversion Charts
One Kilo Byte
One Mega Byte
One Giga Byte
1024 Bytes
1024 Kilo Bytes
1024 Mega Bytes
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What is a dummy file creator?

A dummy file creator is a Web interface that generates files with little to no actual content. These files are often used for testing purposes or to fill up storage space with non-important data, or as placeholders. it's essential to consider the specific requirements of the testing scenario and use appropriately sized and formatted dummy files to accurately simulate real-world conditions.

Why would I need a dummy file creator?

There are several reasons you might need a dummy file creator :

Testing: You may need dummy files for testing applications or systems, such as testing file upload/download functionality. it's essential to consider the specific requirements of the testing scenario and use appropriately sized and formatted dummy files to accurately simulate real-world conditions.

Placeholder : Dummy files can be used as placeholders until real content is available.

Storage Testing : To fill up storage space and check how systems handle large amounts of data.

How do dummy file creators work?

Dummy file creators typically generate files with a specified size and extension. The content of these files is often random or filled with a repeated pattern, depending on the tool used.

Are dummy files harmful?

No, dummy files themselves are not harmful. They are inert data used for specific purposes like testing. However, it's essential to be cautious when downloading or executing files from untrusted sources, as they could potentially contain malicious content.

Can I specify the size of the dummy files?

Yes, most dummy file creators allow you to specify the size of the files you want to generate. You can usually input the size in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or other size units.

Are dummy file creators platform-specific?

Dummy file creators may be available for various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Some may also be web-based tools that can be accessed from any platform with a browser.

Can dummy files be compressed?

Dummy files can be compressed like any other files. However, since they usually contain repetitive or random data, the compression ratio may not be as high as with more structured data.